Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weird acts I have done in the past 6 months: Part 1

It feels good to write some lines on of how weirdly I have acted in the in the past few months. It’s really a better feeling to do things which no one normally expects you to do. Further that keeps alive the adrenaline pumping to some more weird acts in the future… hope to do more of such acts...

1. Kerala Ayurvedic Massage:

Though not very sporty, it is exciting, particularly when you are not aware of what it is going to be!!

It all started with Chai (close friend and roommate) infusing this thought into my mind. I think he got this idea from the newspapers he reads on Sunday. To be right on this, we would be reading atleast 5-6 newspapers, excluding the supplements on a Sunday. Add to this the magzines Chai picks up from stalls at the railway stations.

No way could I have resisted to this idea, just to get out from the flat on a lazy Sunday.

We decided to go Dadar for the massage, the closest centre for us. With no idea of what really it is, we picked up a towel and the undergarments in case we need to have a bath. TG… smart thinking.

Although it took some time for us to understand the whole process, initially, looking at the ad’s I always had at the back of my mind who really is going to do the massage- male or female?? (all you ladies reading- you wont understand the dilemma men get into in such situations, perhaps because we have the two options available).

Well, it is not the beautiful ladies shown in the ad who do the massage. TG again. No one has seen me so much naked since the day I have learnt to bathe myself!!! Can’t imagine a lady touch my body at all those places that the guy touched to make me feel better… haha ((-:

This guy really had strong hands… he poured litres of oil on to my body first and then just kept on wiping that thing of my body. Before that… he made me wear that thin, really slim cotton undergarment and then made me lie on the wooden plank. I have never worn such a slim thing before. More embarrassment follows when that little thing gets wet… more transparency builds into it. Some more embarrassment when he makes you turn on to your back side. Even I have never seen my backside so closely!!!

It took nearly one to one & half hour to complete the massage. Really can’t say what feeling I had at the end of the massage but I could really feel some of my bones in the chest, back and the buttocks.

Lastly, had that hot water bath in the paste specifically prepared to remove the oil. At the end felt that should also have had some head massage to help the blood circulation to the head as well, which was only now jumping around the body below neck…

2. The Mumbai marathon

Have signed for the 21Km run. There is some time for the marathon… roughly two months to go. To run a marathon is no easy task. Always knew that but have understood more clearly now. To gain the lost stamina is no joke; howsoever good you were in running in the past. This is what I have noticed specifically after starting the practice. Two months into the practice… I started initially with climbing the 18 floors on stair of our building, and now a day’s 2 rounds of the building park. Won’t have dared to sign for 21kms run if I have had initially run those 2 rounds… lets see now in Jan… I do have 2 more months…m coming Mumbai Marathon!!!

Some tweeting: On a long leave for Bro's marriage… such are the only days to be away from Mumbai and the daily thoughts of office/work and people. Look to sneak some more time to write one more blog…